Tuesday, May 9, 2023


So much has changed since my last entry. I am no longer in a familiar work space/environment. And the person known to be my boyfriend of 20 years is no more. So where do I go from here?

I am still finding my way around life I suppose...

A recent health screening and pap smear results weren't any cause for celebration either. 

I have been taking life slow these days. I wake up as I would every day, at 8.00am, make myself a hot cuppa tea and watch some Netflix or read the e-papers. Sometimes in the afternoons, I would steal a nap. Life is good but too mundane. I am used to the fast pace at work... so much so that I don't know how to slow down to be honest. I'm not sure how some people enjoy "doing nothing". When I do nothing, I feel restless. Staying at home gives me a headache. Because when the sunlight streams through the living room windows in the afternoon, the glare almost always triggers a headache. And headaches ruin my day. 

My leaving the company was as low-key as it could get. I didn't want to have to explain anything to anyone and I sure didn't wanna rock the boat. The team is good enough to handle what comes their way... with or without me I'm sure.  I didn't even mention to "H" that I was leaving, although I had hinted to "W" I was going to take a hiatus from work. But judging from the way things were, they both would have probably figured something was amiss. 

On some days when I'm feeling up to it, I would make an effort to have lunch with friends I've not met in a long time. Friends I've kept at bay because it was a chore to have to "report" my every move. 

I took up motorbike riding lessons because it was something I've always wanted to do. But it's been 3 months since I've gone for a lesson. So much for determination. Also because the training ground is fucking far from where I stay!

I am open to work at the moment... just picky with what I want to do. Not like I have that many options anyway. 

I have not bought a new bag for the last 6 months. That's something to be proud of! Hahahahaha

I have not bought a new pair of shoes for the last 6 months either.

Not having a stable income has prevented me from buying things I would otherwise not have to think too hard about.

I have looked into investing my monies... and updating my insurance plans... #adulting

I have had more time to read a book. And live.

Being able to wake up everyday is a blessing in itself. And I'm learning to appreciate that. 

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