Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bye Bye, Tree!

I adopted a lovely tree this Christmas, thanks to D. Putting up the tree and decorating it with all things bling and pretty is always a joy. However, taking it down is a chore. My mom made sure to remind me to pack it away before I started work again. Pfffft.

So what does one do on the first day of the new year? That's right, I took down the trimmings, the ornaments, the lights (I kinda hate this part - unwinding the lights around the tree!!) all by myself. Took apart the three parts of the tree (after much struggle with the lower 2 parts too!) and boxed 'em all up! Packed all the trimming and ornaments in 3 shoeboxes and stored them all in the store room. Good riddance! And then my living room became that little bit bigger. Ha!

i love how the branches come with fir cones and berries

I would probably be all excited come December again, to go through this vicious cycle of unboxing the tree, assembling, putting up trimmings/ornaments/lights and then curse and bitch and whine about tearing it all apart. Humans. The pain we put ourselves through every. single. year.

Hope your first day is looking better than mine.

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