Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was gone in a flash. There was no champagne, no countdown, no merry-making with the usual suspects because D chose to spend her Christmas in Iceland! So we gathered for a quiet brunch and exchanged our pressies. Thank You ladies for the wonderful gifts - 24 awesome nail polishes from the Ciate mini mani month and a large bottle of Bio oil! (I swear it's like a lifetime supply at the rate I'm using it)

Christmas Day was spent at the SIL's, with turkey, chicken, spaghetti, sausages and beef. And the two days before this, here's what kept me busy, and totally sucked out all my energy:

So yeah, I have no idea how baking (or cooking), can be therapeutic because it sure as hell drained out all my energy. I could never be able to bake every other day... unless I have help to clean up after!

I hope you've had a merry Christmas.